Kailyn Haskovec

Kailyn Haskovec

Research Manager

Kailyn excels in project management for parks and recreation research at RRC Associates. With a rich background in state and local government and parks and recreation, she offers invaluable insights into the industry. Her adeptness at interpreting both qualitative and quantitative data ensures strategic recommendations and effective policy directions.

At RRC, Kailyn leads the parks and recreation research sector, handling everything from project initiation to questionnaire design, analysis, and final reporting. Drawing from her experience as a public servant in a parks and recreation department, she champions the use of community feedback to shape strategic plans and goals for parks and recreation agencies.

She has a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Oregon and a Sustainable Planning and Management Masters of the Environment degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder. A Colorado native, Kailyn now resides in Westminster. Outside of work, she has a passion for travel (having visited 23 countries), yoga, and outdoor adventures with her golden retriever, Riley.

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