Aspen, Colorado
International Downtown Association (IDA)

International Downtown Association (IDA)

RRC is partnering with IDA to conduct ongoing research to understand the priorities, concerns and behaviors of urban residents and customers during the Covid pandemic. The first wave of surveys was done during the summer of 2020 and the second wave launched in November.

We are conducting the current survey in 25 districts from coast to coast in the U.S. and Canada.

During this uncertain time, it is critical for city and downtown leaders to know how their residents feel about public policies related to Covid and their priorities concerning safety and economic issues.

The data can be critically important in helping shape planning and messaging for the public. It is useful for partners at the City, Chamber, CVB/DMO etc. as well as business stakeholders.

Some conclusions from Wave 1 include:

  • Comfort levels are high with outdoor dining and outdoor events that allow distancing
  • Indoor dining is still problematic with challenges ahead for the winter
  • People want information on what’s being done to keep them safe and what is expected of them
  • Safety protocols are important to the vast majority. Masks, distancing, disinfecting, etc. remain important to comfort levels for residents in most places

From June-August 2020

Map of survey data locations

People want protocols enforced. Masks, distancing, disinfecting all important to feeling safe.

Spending on entertainment, travel, apparel has dropped sharply resulting in more flush bank accounts for many.

For more information about this report please reach out to Sean Maher at